Saturday, November 1, 2008

Day 7: Swimming in Fear

Considering that I am aquaphobic, it is funny that I should feel that my "home" is on an island, and that I relate to the element Water the most - what I fear is also what I respect the most. F*cked up or wise? I don't know, it's not something that I can simply is as is.

I do believe though, that fear is a way for our subconscious mind to protect ourselves from harm: I am ophidiophobic (as well) because I was bitten, people are afraid of heights because...well one would imagine that it's a bad thing to fall to one's death!... Fear is therefore healthy I think as long as you don't let it overrule you and as long as you can come to terms with it, respect it for what it is and why it is there. I may be afraid of deep water (well drowning, specifically), but it is my body's way of protecting me based on past experiences (i.e. nearly drowning at the hands of that awful swimming teacher in South Island). Snakes on the other hand... well I let that fear overrule me. I do not respect them and wish they would all die and burn in I know it is not a healthy fear because it limits me greatly as I am even afraid to look at images of the slithery sh*ts. But it's getting better... I saw a whole episode of Survivor this morning that showed very long fill-in shots of 3 species of snakes in Gabon without flinching.

But anyway, back to water... I grew up on an island in the middle of a heavy typhoon zone. If there is one thing I know, it's how dangerous water can be and yet it calms me; I am fascinated by it. I don't know why. But keeping with that spirit, my cousin and I decided to take the yacht and go sailing for a few hours in the western and southern waters this afternoon. The weather was perfect with very high gusts of wind and very choppy waters closer to the harbour. In the south, the water was fairly fresh and we even went swimming for a while in the shallow waters around an island in the East Lamma channel. It was just the two of us, an endless body of water and a fairly isolated island behind us with an empty beach...all in all, it was a perfectly relaxing day. Hong Kong does have its little just have to find them :)

And no, this photo does not show the paradise goodness of Hong Kong. I did not take my camera with me today because I wanted to enjoy the day through my own eyes instead of the lens for a's the best I could do of the 4 photos I took in total.


  1. I loved sailing in Hong Kong. Despite the fact it's an Island there's only a small percentage of the population that takes advantage of the fact.

    Hope you have less fear of the water (love it personally).

  2. You two are never going to change! I'm glad to hear that you had a fun time (and trust me, Ben made sure I knew he was happy when I spoke with him on the phone)!....I'm even MORE glad that you're trying to overcome your fear. I'll be EVEN MORE glad, though, when Shay gets off the blasted phone and lets me call you to give you a little surprise!

    Hope that's got you thinking! Love ya, *Ken
