Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Day 45: All's New When Nothing's New?

All's new when nothing's new? What does that mean? I personally don't know... it's just something that popped into my head whilst trying to think of a witty title for today's post. It obviously didn't work, but I'm sure it makes sense to a philosopher somewhere.

But honestly, I haven't done anything today except work and feel extremely exhausted. I realised though that teaching kids really takes a whole lot more out of you than teaching teenagers and adults mainly because when you're teaching adults, you're mostly just exhausting your mind, but with smaller children, you're doing that and exhausting yourself physically as well. Add on top of that, the fact that you're trying to communicate with kids who don't understand a single word you're saying and it can seriously make you want to hit your head on the wall and knock yourself out. Still, when they actually understand you or sing the song you've been trying to teach them, it is a whole lot more rewarding.

Have to say though that work was much better today than it was yesterday. I think I just need to settle into the mindset of being a teacher for younger children rather than the older ones I'm used to working with. We played a lot of games today and they were genuinely happy to see me when I entered their classroom. Some of them even gave me hugs after the class. One of them compared me to his class teacher and called me thin in comparison to her in front of her...First thing that came to mind was "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh that's a first", and though I told him it was not a nice thing to say, I secretly kept thinking "bless you! you're my favourite student already!" hahaha

Today's picture was taken at another park near the school where I ate my lunch. I don't know why I find the tiling so interesting, but I noticed that one of the kids dropped their little heart sticker that they'd gotten from an earlier class exactly where it is in the photo and thought it made for a cute shot.


  1. That is a cute photo =).

    Hope the teaching gets easier. It's always draining at first.

  2. Are you teaching prérdnfan? It's been so long since we've spoken. Call me sometime because I don't know your working hours!

    Very cute photo as well :)
