Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Day 39: Starting School

Tomorrow, I will start work on my first full-time contract...ever. Sure, I've freelanced and had my fair share of part-time jobs, but there is a strange excitement about starting something new...even if it is just a different type of contract (right?). And though, I'm sure that this excitement will last me a total of one day before I get on my knees and pray to god that the end of semester come closer, I'm also hoping against hope sure that I will enjoy the experience.

Oh and while we're on the topic of god, I have to mention this: most people who have known me for a while, know that I quit the Christian church a good long while back. I am not an atheist; I just simply disagree with certain concepts the religion has to offer. But what schools should I get landed with? Well here are the names...lets see if you can guess:

Shan King Estate Baptist School

and worse...

The New Territories Assembly of God Church W.Y. School

In fact, this past summer, when I first started teaching, I was offered a full time contract with another school called the Christian Alliance SW Chan Memorial College that I turned down in hopes of securing a stable contract with Cirque du Soleil, which didn't happen because they started firing people instead of hiring them. So technically, I could have had a contract since the beginning of September...but anyway...the point is that either Hong Kong only has strangely named Christian schools or I am just destined to be stuck in this religious wormhole...Whatever the case may be, at least I have a job!

And I am truly thankful for that. So let's see how it goes tomorrow! Hope it'll be as much fun as my mother claims!


  1. haha mate, I live in Shan King(meaning mountain view) Estate in Tuen Mun and I study in Baptist University. Strange?

  2. nah there's nothing strange about shan king. i was referring more to a long ass name like the new territories assembly of god church wai yan school" or the "christian alliance sw (which is short for some name) chan memorial college" ... as opposed to "island school" or "chinese int'l school"... they seem to love long ass names here
