Having been in Hong Kong, I always have liked to think that I am immune to the pain one feels when someone close to them moves away. After all, people come and go so often here that it's almost impossible to live here and make friends unless you build up that emotional barrier... the only thing is that over the past year or so, I've felt my barrier slowly fall apart as people I have been very close to have moved away one by one...from the best of my friends to my family... It's really not a nice feeling.
Unfortunately today, I had to say goodbye to one of my dearest friends as she is moving out of the country... I've only known her for two years, but as with most of my close friends, it feels like I have known her for an age or more already and though I wish her all the best, I know that I'm going to miss her a lot!
And hopefully soon it will be my turn to say goodbye to Hong Kong...
HK is such a transitionary place. I've found I have this barrier, which stops me getting too close to people as you either expect them to go or move on yourself. It's really odd and possibly not healthy. But you do what you have to so you can get on.
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This is a sad entry...