Ever get the feeling that you have to do something extremely important but you just don't know what? Or even that you know what it is, but you just cannot get round to doing it no matter how important it is? Well I'm somewhere in the middle of those at the moment because I feel like I know what it is that is so important, but I can't quite place my hand on it. Awkwardness.
Today has been fairly uneventful except for the fact that I went for a staff meeting at the office they gave me a billion pieces of paper to look through for a class that I am supposed to be teaching on Saturday. I wish they would give me a little bit of training before throwing me into that environment, but what can you do...can't complain because at least I have a job, right?! Besides, next week I'll start my training and permanent position for the rest of the semester (and hopefully next one) at two schools in Narnia...i.e. middle of absolutely fuck all no where near the Chinese border. The good thing, though, is that I'll be teaching folk themes based around the topic of Christmas and seeing as that's my favourite holiday ever, hurrah!
I'm scared shitless, though!
After the meeting, I went and hung around at the Academy and talked to my design assistant from last year. She's a tiny little girl with an extremely charming and positive personality. It's always good speaking with her, but I'm upset that she's not being treated right by her current head-designer, who unfortunately coincidentally was my assistant in my second year at university. I had thought that she would be a competent assistant, but she was so incredibly negative and demanding and pushed me off the edge so many times during the performance that I simply began to loathe her. We stopped talking to each other after the performance, but from what I understand, it's a common thing for her, so at least I know that it was not my fault! Heck, my ex-assistant and I get along just fine and had an absolute blast working together. But anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing what she has to do since she's going to design her own performance this year! I don't know what it is, but it feels amazing to realise that she's grown so much since I first mentored her in her first performance at the Academy. It's nice to know that I have been a part of her learning, and that's one of the strongest reasons why I want to lecture...
Anyway, I finally got home and have done nothing except wonder what it is that's important that I am forgetting to do. I also played with my pets and gave Pogo all the attention he's been missing because of me feeling sick for the past few days. I realised that he is very difficult to photograph though because of his shiny coat! Oh well! He's adorable! I love my pets!
Today's Flickr Uploads: Peng Chau Foliage
Today has been fairly uneventful except for the fact that I went for a staff meeting at the office they gave me a billion pieces of paper to look through for a class that I am supposed to be teaching on Saturday. I wish they would give me a little bit of training before throwing me into that environment, but what can you do...can't complain because at least I have a job, right?! Besides, next week I'll start my training and permanent position for the rest of the semester (and hopefully next one) at two schools in Narnia...i.e. middle of absolutely fuck all no where near the Chinese border. The good thing, though, is that I'll be teaching folk themes based around the topic of Christmas and seeing as that's my favourite holiday ever, hurrah!
I'm scared shitless, though!
Anyway, I finally got home and have done nothing except wonder what it is that's important that I am forgetting to do. I also played with my pets and gave Pogo all the attention he's been missing because of me feeling sick for the past few days. I realised that he is very difficult to photograph though because of his shiny coat! Oh well! He's adorable! I love my pets!
Today's Flickr Uploads: Peng Chau Foliage
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