Today was utterly uneventful as I did absolutely nothing except for killing more of my braincells by watching
Survivor: Gabon and reading an extremely mushy and sappy vampire romance,
Breaking Dawn (4th in the
Twilight Saga by Stephanie Meyer).

And I would be lying if I said that I did not fall in love with the series. Sure, it is not the next
Harry Potter and
His Dark Materials as some people claim it to be, but it's great entertainment - after all, who doesn't love to read about a "perfect" romance with the "perfect" lover?
But that was it. That was my whole day...and I'm ending it by calling a few universities to get some final information before I place my graduate program applications through. Paperwork. Hurrah!
Question of the Day: Why does the idea of perfection entice us so?
Anser: We want what we can't have.